30-Day Challenge

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Each box comes with 30 tickets! Pull the day-ticket and start your challenge!

Sleep Well - Sleep plays a key role in our health. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to improve your sleep quality.
Digital Detox - Overconsumption of digital media represents a very real behavioural addiction that can lead to physical, psychological and social problems. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to reduce screen time.
Parents-To-Be - Becoming a parent is a great adventure. You may feel a bit lost as you don’t know what lies ahead. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to get ready for parenthood.
Healthy Lifestyle - Health is at the center of life. It is a holistic concept that has different levels: physical, mental and social. Living a healthy lifestyle is crucial to be happy and prevent disease. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days live healthier.
Gratitude - Practicing gratitude is about being thankful for all that we have and focusing on the positive. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to cultivate gratitude in your life.
Self Care - Self-care is a necessity for our mental and physical well-being. It is about creating moments just for you, despite the hustle and bustle of the everyday. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to pamper yourself.
Less is More - Minimalism is a lifestyle where you choose to live with less and focus on what really matters. It is about freeing up space in our physical and mental surroundings in order to concentrate on the inner abundance of self-connection. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to live better with less.
Girl Power - Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a better world. There has been progress over the last few decades but many challenges remain. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to empower women.
F**k It - Not giving a f**k can make all the difference in your life. It is not about being indifferent; it is about being good with who you are and not worrying about other people’s opinions. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to experiment the benefits of not giving a f**k.
Yoga - Practicing yoga is about focusing on the present: connecting our soul, body, and mind. It gives us strength, flexibility, health, peace, and, ultimately, happiness. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily pose during 30 days to explore the art of yoga.
Happiness - Happiness is not a destination. It is about enjoying every simple moment, here and now. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to make your life happier.
Fitness - Exercising is fundamental to have good health and be confident. This 30-Day Challenge proposes a daily activity during 30 days to get fit.